Negotiation Basics


This course will examine the basics of negotiation. It will also have you explore the tools you need in order to negotiate confidently as you pursue opportunities for business growth or career advancement.


This course is presented by an A.I. presenter: 


For some, negotiating is about winning. For others, it’s about compromise. If you were however to think about it as a collaboration, then often both sides can get what they want.

In the course, you'll mainly learn about the five steps to a successful negotiation:

  1. Prepare: Understand the importance of preparation and goal setting in negotiation
  2. Start: Establish rapport, trust and respect at the bargaining table, and begin the proposal stage
  3. Probe: Differentiate between positions and interests
  4. Bargain: Find creative solutions that integrate interests and create value for all parties involved
  5. Close: End your negotiation with a strong summary that includes an emphasis on benefits

The course also includes opportunities for you to practise, perform and be evaluated.


  • Course Introduction
  • Unit 1: Introduction to Negotiations
  • Unit 2: Preparing a plan
  • Unit 3: Starting a negotiation
  • Unit 4: Probing for Interests
  • Unit 5: Bargaining
  • Unit 6: Closing a negotiation
  • Course End
154 學習活動
2022-08-01 ~ 2024-12-31
36 小時
Business Skill