

By the end of the course, students should be able to use appropriate language to:
Schedule a meeting and create an agenda
Participate in small talk prior to a meeting
Open a meeting and introduce participants
Present items on the agenda
Handle interruptions
Offer opinions and clarify misunderstandings
Close a meeting


  • 上班族用英文主持跨國會議好頭疼?參加會議還要用英文表達想法真的好卡?eMaster商務英語大師幫您提升英語溝通力,提升英文會議效率!本課程由ITI資深外師編撰,教您如何用英文進行會議邀約、開啟會議、表達想法、結束會議。8週線上課程採用混成式學習,內容包含:會議用語講義下載、多種會議情境範例影片和習題、及2堂外師帶領之「小班制線上模擬會議」。實力提升超有感!
  • 立即報名(至5/5止,5/1前還有早鳥價!):https://events.taiwantrade.com/itiecourseMET1A
  • 觀看2分鐘課程介紹影片:

This course teaches the essential language skills and techniques used to plan, conduct and participate in business meetings more professionally. The course includes common language used throughout a typical meeting as well as assignments and tasks to help students practice their meetings knowledge and skills. Teacher feedback and advice is also given throughout the course.

This course is suitable for people who attend meetings in their job, or who want to further develop their business communication skills for career development.

  • Introduction
  • Unit 1: Arranging Meetings
  • Unit 2: Agendas and Starting a Meeting
  • Unit 3: Presenting Items from the Agenda
  • Unit 4: Sharing Opinions
  • Unit 5: Asking Questions and Clarifying Points
  • Unit 6: Closing a Meeting
0 學習活動
2022-05-16 ~ 2022-07-10
20 小時
Business Communication